
2007-08-11 7:49 am
想去韓國長d時間, 用旅行支票方便嗎? 當地容易找銀行換嗎? 容易換回korean won嗎?

吓, 用港幣在當地換都OK? 我唔係去SEOUL喎...本來諗住用旅行支票係銀行兌換, 就算偏僻地方都有銀行,,, 請再賜教.

回答 (3)

2007-08-23 11:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you go to some rual area, you better bring K Won with you. If you go to some cities outside Seoul, you better bring Won or USD.
Yes, there are lots of banks in Korea and you may find one easily. But the truth is you may not easily find one which is allowed to do foreign exchange. You may find some banks in Myeong Dong, Dong Dae Mun and Nam Dae Mun and those tourist spots which provide exchange service. But outside these areas or outside Seoul, there are far less bank in Korea than you could imagine that can trade foreign currencies especially HK$! Dont bring HK$.
For travellor cheque, l have no advice as l did not use it except in Europe. As far as l could remember, l do not see any Travellor's Cheque sign in Seoul and l guess it is not pupular.
2007-08-17 3:19 pm


例如韓國機場$1000=w113000 明洞區/東大門區$1000=w115000 to w116000

2007-08-19 10:53:52 補充:
韓國偏僻小小的地方,有銀行的話,都可以用港幣換到錢won的,可以放心,美元都可以,如果安全起見,用旅行支票都可以換到won的,不過最好現金為首!!^_^!!一般多分店的銀行有: KB bank / HANA bank / Woori bank / ShinHan bank / ......等
參考: 經常去韓國玩的人^^
2007-08-16 7:57 am
我在3月曾經用美金現鈔對換韓國圜,完全無問題. 放心. 至於銀行,大多數熱門地點例如明洞,東大門等等,都容易找到.

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