
2007-08-11 6:32 am
我想知道德國有什麼美食 ?

回答 (1)

2007-08-14 3:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Here we have Schweinsbraten which is a big piece of rost pork with a rich gravy sauce. It would be served with cooked cabbage and Knödeln (German dumpling).
Sauerbraten - marinated piece of rost beef in red wine and vinigar sauce. It would normally be served with potatoes in different ways, it depends on the restaurant.
Knödel - German dumplings. It is a round ball made with potatoes or bread. Some mordern creations are also with bacon or champignons.
Sauerkraut - Marinated cabbage in vinigar.
Weisswurst - a white colour sausage which is very popular in south Germany. It is generally made of every part of veal and pork and some herbs. They will eat it normally before 11am and they will eat it with sweet mustard and Bretzel.
Bretzel - Pretzel, a kind of bread with sea salt on the surface. Some Germans eat it with butter.
Schmalz - fat and oil from Pigs or Gooses, they ususally spread it on the bread.
Grünsoß - Green color soup, typical food in Frankfurt and the area. It is a cold thick soup made from 7 different kinds of herbs, joghurt and mayonaise. It would be served with 4 half eggs.
Leberkäse - German meatloaf, the will eat it with table mustard or sometimes with bread.
Bratwurst - a light color grilled sausage made from pork.
Rinderbratwurst - a dark red grilled sausage made from beef.
Schweinemett - raw minced pork seasoned with onion and some other seasonings, we just spread it on bread and eat it raw. Some ppl will put some more chopped onions on top.
Spätzle - South german pasta dish. It is also very popular in Swisszerland. It is made of flour and lots of eggs. They will eat it with melted cheese ot as a side dish.
Deutschlander - a type of sausage from the bottle. It looks like Frankter and Wiener.
Äpfelwein - an alcoholic drink made by apples. They could drink it with soda (sauer gespritzt) or with lemonade (süß gespritzt). It is popular in Frankfurt.

There are sure so much more, but up to here this time, hope that you are satisfied with this answer.

2007-08-14 02:32:36 補充:
Because there are alot of Greeks and Turkish people in Germany, the turish and greek good are also very popular all over Germany. For example:Döner - Turkish kebab, it is thin slices of lamb or turky meat with yoghurt, herbs and spice serve with a turkish bread or rice with butter.

2007-08-14 02:33:04 補充:
Pita - Turkish pastry, with alm meat and tomato sauce or with spinach and goat cheese.Ayran - Turkish yoghurt drink which salt and pepper would be added befor drinking.Gyros - Greece style kebab similar to Döner.
參考: me

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