
2007-08-11 4:36 am
想問下用 X-光可否檢驗有冇大腸癌???
想問下 15歲,男,有大腸癌機會大唔大...多少 % 機會???

回答 (2)

2007-08-11 4:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
X 光係 check 唔到有冇大腸癌,最多可以照到你大腸入面多唔多屎塞住,
想驗大腸癌最直接方法係照大腸鏡,如果有穿有爛一睇就知,之後順便晌大腸度抽D 組織細胞去化驗下就知架啦........
有事就儘快去睇醫生 check 清楚啦,唔駛疑神疑鬼嘛.
2007-08-11 6:02 am
Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer in Hong Kong
Dr. Stephen C.K. Law and Oscar W.K. Mang , Hong Kong Cancer Registry, Hospital Authority
The primary site of cancer is routinely coded according to ICD-10. Subs Sites in the colon and rectum/anus are coded C18.1-C18.9 , and sites in the rectum/anus C19-C21 respectively . When combined as a group, colorectal cancer is the second commonest Colon and rectal cancers have different ranking in local/world statistics depending on different grouping. In the Department of Health ’s report , they are usually combined as a single group to make it the number two common cancer in both gender s in Hong Kong , with over . In the Hong Kong Cancer Registry website, the demarcation of colon and rectum according to ICD-10 is shown. It was observed that sigmoid colon, being the junction with rectosigmoid, accounted for 30% of all colorectal cancer combination. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the anatomical origin of tumors arising at or near the rectosigmoid junction so there is always a variation in statistical ranking between the two sites. The combined colorectal cancer would be more meaningful and will be presented in subsequent discussion.
Colorectal cancer has overtaken liver cancer in men and lung cancer in women to become the number two incident cancer in Hong Kong, with more than 3,500 new cases and 1,500 deaths people in 200 2 each year (Table 1). Th e is cancer occurs more frequently in the colon (60%) than in the rectum (40%) , and . It is more common in male s than females( M:F = 1.3:1) , especially in distal parts Men have a higher proportion of cancers in the left side (i.e. rectum, rectosigmoid, splenic flexure & sigmoid colon) in comparison to those in women. The distribution of cancers in the right side (i.e. ascending colon, appendix, caecum, tranverse colon, descending colon & hepatic flexure) is similar in both sexes (Figure 1). R are before prior to the age of 20 , and then increases steadily with age (Figure 2a)the incidence and mortality risk of developing colorectal cancer and dying from it is similar in both gender s men and women before age 50 but gradually divers ifies e at old er age s. The pattern in mortality is similar to the incidence (Figure 2 a and b).
The Hong Kong Cancer R registry has started to collect staging information of about colorectal cancer since 2001. Data were completed in for over 80% of cases colorectal cancers. The overall stage distribution w as 8.5%, 28.4%, 31.9% and 13.5% for of S stage s I, II, III & IV respectively (Figure 3). More The diagnosis of rectal cancer (11.7%) than colon (6.5%) cancer were was at a significantly earlier stage than those arising in the colon with stage I at presentation. being 11.7% in the rectum but only 6.5% in the colon. Thepropor tion of colorectal cancer with H histological confirmation proof was available in 95.0% , in recent years. with t The great large majority being of histologically verified cases were adenocarcinomas (98%). Less than 1% was squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma in rectal cancer.







直系親屬中,兩名或以上患有結直腸癌或與HNPCC相關的癌症* ,而且其中最小一人年齡在50歲以下


參考: 公立醫院專科醫生

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