
2007-08-11 2:44 am




回答 (3)

2007-08-11 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
讀物理, 最緊要 要有抽象 gei 概念
e.g. 你要幻想 compound 之間有個 bonding

如果你重未讀過 又諗住用半年時間去學 同考埋 hkcee gei 話
老實講, chem 係背. 不過最好係明左個理論,咁就可以自己推到唔同 gei reaction 出來
明左一個, 就可以推好多個出來. 唔洗背得咁辛苦

我建議你 問你學校 gei 老師/ 有修 chem gei 同學 借 notes 來印
咁樣可以由最 basic 開始 build up
對日後學 d 再難 d gei 問題都會應付得來

2007-08-10 18:57:53 補充:
e 先學起的話, 要睇睇你 gei 時間分唔分配得來因為始終你有其他科要考, 顧此失彼就唔係咁好我就唔鼓勵中五先 take因為人地每日有堂上 都要花年半時間去學你得半年 仲係課餘時間 溫其他科.我估個 grade 唔會高, 除非時間分配得好好同好醒目啦
2007-08-11 2:51 am
actually 自修物理科 is very difficult
i have a fd who 自修物理科, and get an E, but he start revise in F4
the method of revise is:
1/ study the textbook
2/ do mc questions
3/ read (not do) long questions
4/ do pastpaper
5/ anything dunno ask ur fd our teachers

this is reli the only method
every bkstores have phy bks, actually most of them are gd
i think pilot's version is very gd, sure improve a lot

而家先學大約可以拎到C-E, but thats depends on ur effort

i also think get tutor is a gd method, like CY Chau, HL Tam, both of them are genius in phy, gd choice
參考: myself
2007-08-11 2:50 am

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