作文 20分 急

2007-08-11 2:29 am

回答 (2)

2007-08-11 4:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
The advantages (好處) of a part-time (兼任的,adj) job are varous (很多).
As a student, there are advantages (好處) of getting a part-time job. Firstly, I can get salary (薪金) so as to afford (供給) my school fee (費用). This can relieve (舒緩) my parents ' financial (財政的) burden (負擔) in a certain (若干) deal (程度). I particularly (尤其) feel contented (滿足的) with a self-sufficient (自給自足的) living style. Besides, I can gain (得到) some working experiences during my schoolings (在學時期).
As a youngster (年青人), I can surely have good practice (鍛鍊) no matter (不論) in physical body (肉體), willpower (意志) or spirit (精神). I will grasp (抓緊) the time so as to proceed (進行) in good order (有條理) both my studying and my working time table. This can help to enhance (增加) the sense (意識) of responsibility (責任感) and reliability (可靠性).
In conclusion (最後/總結), it is beneficial (有益的) to work for a part-time job only if one can manage (管理) himself so as to tackle (處理) and handle (進行/對待).

2007-08-14 00:37:04 補充:
Tks for the adoption (採用) by 《leilei》in person (親自) ! Those vocabularies (字彙) are helpful (有利於) to your writing skill (技巧). Let ' s bear in mind (牢記) so as to become your own wording (措辭).
2007-08-11 2:32 am

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