
2007-08-11 2:12 am
It's summer time! Can you tell me one of your travel experiences? And if you were given a chance to go anywhere you like free, where would you want to go and what would you do there?

回答 (2)

2007-08-11 2:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Last week , I went to Ocean Park with my parents. It was a god chance for me to have a look at the animals and shows in the park. I am very glad with it. When we arrived there , we saw a lot of people . It was very crowded . Although i had just visited the park for an hour , but i bought lots of souvenirs for my grandparenrs . This trip was very happy for me because it's the first time for me to go to the Ocean Park.

或許我的答案不是最好 , 但一定是最用心答的。
2007-08-11 2:17 am
IN this summer time.i went to 北京~~
there are many food in 王府井大街.
i like eat 北京田鴨~~
it is very yummy~~
And i walked full the 萬里長城~
it is great.
i like it very much~~

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