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我之前係 National University of Singapore (NUS) 的 exchange student.
亦都有 friend 讀 Nanyang Tech U (NTU)
我覺得 NUS and NTU 同香港d大學一樣難入.
就考試來說我學得佢地既 O Level 容易過 CE Level
But i dunno about AL.
新加坡唔係好地方去學英文. 佢無 Canada/ US/ England/ AUS 咁好既英文班.
你去Canada/ US/ England/ AUS仲好啦.
唔好諗啦. 在香港讀 IVE or ASSO 好過讀 those 私立大學和理工學院同藝術學院啦. (In case you cannot get in to a university)
2007-08-14 00:50:13 補充:
唔..D新加坡英文 (Singaporean English) ai...They can't pronounce the words correctly, and they misuse lots of words. They like to translate the meaning from Malay and Chinese to English.
2007-08-14 00:50:44 補充:
AUS and Canada are ideal countries to work on your English as the tuition fee are relatively less expensive. If you like AUS, then go ahead.