我有AGP v2.0, 4X speeds, 66 MHz PCI的顯示卡,但係找不到的驅動程式,可否幫我找找?(10)

2007-08-11 12:49 am

回答 (2)

2007-08-11 6:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
上網下載EVEREST Ultimate Edition綠色版,運行該軟件,進入後在左邊,點擊「計算機」,點擊「摘要」,在右邊拉到「顯示設備」,「顯示卡」,便看到你的顯示卡型號,點擊該型號,可看見「下載驅動程式」,點擊便可下載。
2007-08-24 11:13 pm
NOT enough information to give you the CORRECT driver files
please run the EVEREST software and check your display card model and tell us

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