adelaide 同 sydney 有什麼好玩好食

2007-08-11 12:33 am
請問各位有邊度好玩, 同有d什麼好吃?
我們一家三口, 除了兩公婆外,重有個12歲大

回答 (3)

2007-08-11 1:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
剛剛去完澳洲返來, Adelaide & Sydney 都有去過

先講 Adelaide, 印象麻麻, 澳洲咁多個 City, 我最不喜歡, 去完好像冇去一樣, 如果不是因為要撘火車去中部 Alice Springs, 否則一定不會去呢個黑尋尋既地方! 沒有生氣, 沒有東西看, 街道污穢不堪, 很差很差, o的人多數去呢個地方因為想學揸飛機.... 佢有一個好出名既地方, 叫 Kangaroo Island (袋鼠島), 成個 Island 都係無污染, 有三日兩夜既 Tour, 大約三百蚊 AUD 一位左右啦, 有滑沙, 睇海師, 鯨魚等野生動物, 仲有 BBQ...... 都 OK gei~

Sydney 就同香港一樣啦, 要食野梗係去 Fish Market 啦, 叫o的海鮮, 生毫, Fish n Chips 都唔錯, 夠新鮮, 推介你食一間快餐店 (如果你個仔想食漢堡包), 千萬不要食 M 記啦, 超唔抵食, 你可以去食 Hungry Jacks, 其實即係香港既 Burger King, o的 Burger 超好食, 汽水仲可以自己去 refill, 軟雪糕最平, AUD 40 cents, M記都要 50 cents 呀, 好重奶味, 仲要好大杯...

至於玩的話, 你可以去 Bondi Beach 睇下個靚灘, Blue Mountains 你可以 join local tour, 大約一位七十蚊 AUD 左右, 你可以去 Darling Harbour 入面有幾間專做 local tour 既旅行社格下價, 有時會做 promote..

我係 sydney 最開心就係爬了 Sydney Harbour Bridge 呀, 聽落好似好貴, 大約百七蚊左右, 但你玩完就覺得好抵, 我爬黃昏時段, 可以睇到日落, 四點半玩到七點幾, 全日一樣價, 只係周日貴廿蚊, 玩完有張證書同埋係橋頂影既集體相, 旅程三個幾鐘, 爬之前要換安全衣, 做呼吸測試, 同埋會講解爬橋技巧, 所以好安全, 你仲可以影幾張單人相, 當然要俾錢啦, 但人一世物一世, 我都俾o左三十蚊影o左兩張夜景 Opera House 既相, 你地一家三口可以一起挑戰下....
2007-08-11 8:10 pm
Adelaide is a church city, you go to see the church.

Sydney, apart from what the other's said, go to the Rocks market (weekend), and walk around the coast in the Rocks.
Take a ferry to Manly. I always think that Sydney harbour is the most beautiful harbour in a international city in the world.
In the airport, take a Sydney guide leaflet.
2007-08-11 4:35 pm
Adelaide: TVB food series been there (Mr Choi, ToTo and Yuen Choi wan)

Glenelg Beach - lots of seafood restaurant eg. Sammi Seafood very excellent seafood cost $ 90 AUD for 2 persons seafood platters
Rundle Mall for shopping and David Jones Food court lots of choice only ~ $8 per person
Adelaide central market - chinese restaurant is excellent and Hog's Breath cafe excellent and the best for steak
Handorf German Village - German sussages and pork knicles
Barossa Valley to taste wine
Famous Jurlique herbs farm (Lavender), jurlique products only 1/2 the price compared to HK
參考: live in adelaide

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