
2007-08-10 11:07 pm
Wai Ying has joined a slimming treatment course which costs $20000. She intends to reduce her weight from 250 pounds to 150 pounds. What is the percentage decrease in her weight? In order to attract customers, the beauty shop promised a cash rebate of $500 for every 5% of reduction in weight. How much will Wai Ying pay for the treatment if she can reach her target weight?

回答 (2)

2007-08-10 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Her % decrease in weight:

{ ( 250 - 150 ) / 250 } x 100% = 40%

There are eight 5% in 40%, so the cash rebate:

$ 500 x 8 = $ 4000

Hence she has to pay: $ 20000 - $ 4000 = $ 16000

2007-08-10 15:20:34 補充:
a) % decrease = { ( New weight - original weight ) / Original weight } x 100% b) Rebate means 可減免的款額 in Chinese, so the money she needs to pay will be the cost - total cash rebate
參考: My Maths Knowledge
2007-08-10 11:13 pm
What is the percentage decrease in her weight?
= (250-150)/ 250 x 100%

How much will Wai Ying pay for the treatment if she can reach her target weight?
$500 x 8= $4,000

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:57:05
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