「承慈命 」點解?

2007-08-10 9:37 pm
請問「承慈命 」點解? 應該點用?

回答 (2)

2007-08-14 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the previous answer is good. However, normally, it's hard to use the grandparents name as no one knows who they are. In the past, the "biggest" one should be them as they are the master of the house. Now, it's more likely to use your parents' name to put on the invitation card. Therefore, make it simple, if your father is still alive, most of the case would use the same as grandpa. if your dad is not alive anymore, then use your mom's name and use the grandma case.
參考: me
2007-08-11 9:40 am
「承慈命 」即係指麻麻或者婆婆
「承嚴命 」即係指爺爺或者公公

例如:男家屋企最大係爺爺...咁敬約名字上面就會印上「承嚴命 」
如果最大係麻麻...咁就會用「承慈命 」
如有公公就用「承嚴命 」
公公不在婆婆在就用「承慈命 」
參考: 我去印貼時...個老闆娘教我的^^

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