My computer cannot startup, help!

2007-08-10 8:13 pm
My computer is unable to startup. First, it send me to the choosing page, which ask me to choose safe mode or normal, first I choose safe mode, but after loading the script,it turned to the blue screen, then I choose normal, after having the normal logo, the screen turned blue again, then restart again.
Then, I pressed 'Access IBM', but after I checked something inside, then the computer still have the same thing. Pls help.
It says:


Please tell me this also: What is the meaning of 'UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME' and what is the method to help my computer. Thx

回答 (1)

2007-08-10 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你個電腦中咗毒, 而家甘樣你得兩個方法:

1) 揾人整, 因為你入唔到Window上唔到網.

2) 揾人借個電腦俾你用嚟掃毒. (不過你要有cable同睇住整到人哋個電腦都中毒)

如果裹面冇重要嘢, format 過個 hard disc 再裝過 Window.


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