when i buy the AIA funds ?

2007-08-10 3:03 pm
I wants to invest a lumpsum amount US 20000 to buy AIA funds, now the us stocks drops quickly, should I wait the stock dropping to lower level then buy it? or disregards the stock market just only choose suitable funds to invest ?

many thanks

回答 (4)

2007-08-13 9:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你要買基金的話,要留意市況會波動,我不建議 100% 全放在股票基金、高風險的基金上。最好要有一定的比例是放在穩陣的基金上。

Good Luck
參考: 財富管理論壇(討論區) http://financial.3forum.hk
2007-08-11 7:39 am
i think you must know this lumpsum investment is for long time or short time. if you for long time (above 10 yrs) u can lumpsum now, if you medium time (5-10yrs) u can use the average cost to buy funds
if u want to concern other funds u can contact me
[email protected]
2007-08-10 11:57 pm
If AIA funds give you a good return than the market, you can invest any time.
If not, I think you need to look for other fund managers instead.
If you need further informations, sent me an email.
[email protected]
2007-08-10 6:45 pm
to reduce the risk, u'd better halve the money.

First half can invest now.

If the fund u invested keep on dropping, and if u still believe it can grow up again later on, u can then invest the money on it to reduce the average costing;

if the fund u invested keep on grow up, and if u still believe it can grow up again later on, u can then invest the money on it to 高追
參考: my personal opinion only

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