唔知有冇grammar 錯?!

2007-08-10 2:14 pm
As Chinese language and English language are both very important subjects to H.K. students , they may be very concentrate on it.But recently, the change of syllabus that cause students be worried and confused of it , the more change of it , the more fear of it.However,this kind of impact is just suddenly happened , and it is hardly to believe the students can follow it well.Consequently,I think we can aviod it if it is not necessary to change it ,and no mess is made.

回答 (3)

2007-08-10 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Although both the Chinese and the English languages are very important subjects on which Hong Kong students have to concentrate, the recent changes in their syllabi (syllabi = plural of syllabus) caused the students to be worried and confused. The more the change in syllabi, the more would be the fear induced to the students. It is hard to believe that the students can cope well with these sudden changes. However, we can prevent such needless worries, confusions and fears if we can aoid the unnecessary changes in the syllabi.

1. although 或 though 不可以和 but 用在同一句子中
2. put: [put] verb — present participle = putting; past tense & past participle = put
3. putted = hit golf ball with tapping stroke
4. syllabi = plural of syllabus (不過現在也有人拿syllabus作眾數用)
2007-08-10 5:46 pm

As Chinese language and English language are both very important subjects to H.K. students, they may be very concentrate on them. However, the change of syllabus recently has caused the students worriness and confusion. The more the syllabus changes, the more the students fear. Although this kind of impact is just happening at this instance, it is hard to believe that the students can overcome the change well in the future. If we can avoid the unnecessary change of syllabus, there will not be any mess.
2007-08-10 2:39 pm
Although Chinese and English are both very important subjects that Hong Kong students have to concentrate on, but recently, the change of syllabus caused students to be worried and confused. The more change of syllabus, the more fear the students faced. It is hard to believe that the students can follow such sudden changes. I think that we can avoid the confusion and fear if we avoid these unnecessary changes.

You putted too much it, i don't really know which "it" you are talking about. The paragraph that you wrote is kinda confusing, and that's the best i can translate what you want to say.

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