Definition of work...

2007-08-10 3:45 am
Work=force in the direction of displacement x displacement

我想問的是如果在太空...我用1N推一樣物件...它加速完後會以constant velocity前行, 一直前行....那麼displacement是否等於無限?

Work=1N x 無限?

點解仲要乘cos( angle)?


即是那個displacement 是我用力用了的距離?

回答 (1)

2007-08-10 4:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
work = force . displacement . cos ( angle)
但係上式中既displacement係有force act on 一件物件時既displacement

所以你頭先個個case如果要搵個work done by force 既話就要知個force act on 樣野既displacement . for example :10m ,咁個work done by the 1N force 就係10J ,與之後既位移無關.

2007-08-10 20:19:13 補充:
回答你既補充1. cos(angle)既意思同你 force in the direction of displacement一樣 , that means 係個component of force in the direction of diplacement.2. 係.

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