我想描寫風同浪既怒號, 借此形容一下個氣氛,

2007-08-10 2:31 am
我想描寫風同浪既怒號, 借此形容一下個氣氛,

比如我要講我自己複製既感覺, 跟住我見到浪既怒號同埋嘯嘯作響既風, 應該點寫..?

At night, winds were (*) and sea waves were (*)

回答 (1)

2007-08-10 2:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
To describe strong wind, you can say: gale ;
To describe the wind blow fiercely = The gale was blustering

To describe the waves = The wave was breaking /crashing against Sth.

The whole sentence can be : At night, while the gale was blustering and the waves were crashing against the shore, I felt......

Good luck!!
參考: Cambridge dictionary

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