英文文法問題 10分

2007-08-10 2:23 am
Computer systems have undergone 4 generations, based on the technology involved.
句中based on the technology involved用了甚麼文法?

另外,請解釋Subject Verb Object Complement 這個文法的使用方法,並列舉例子

回答 (2)

2007-08-11 6:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Computer systems have undergone 4 generations, based on the technology involved.
這句用了兩種的手法,第一種是關係子句省略法,即將what, that等的關係代名詞,並be(或它的變化,如:is, are, am等)都省略了,所以全句原為:
Computer systems have undergone 4 generations, which was based on the technology involved.
而第二種的手法,就是過去分詞修飾technology. technology involved可譯為有關的科技。

2007-08-11 10:52:15 補充:
SVOC其實是英文的基本句型,沒有甚麼特別,例子如:This made her happy.We elected him PresidentThey did not find it easy.I think it difficult等等

2007-08-11 10:58:49 補充:
confirmed sighting 是用了過去分詞confirmed作形容詞用,去修飾sighting這種的用法,confirmed sighting其實可以寫成:a sighting which was confirmed如用confirming sighting就等於a sighting which is confirming;confirm是確定,證實之意,a sighting並不可以自己確定(也因confirm並不是特質),而是被確定,所以,必須用被動式,這時候,也要用過去分詞。

2007-08-11 11:02:09 補充:
since then的意思是”自那時起”為甚麼可以這樣用?因為since不但可以作為連接詞,副詞;它也是介詞(preposition)在這裏的since就是作介詞用,如:I haven't heard from him since last year.(我自去年以來未曾收到過他的信。)介詞之後,要用名詞或名詞相等語,”then”在這句中,是名詞,是那時之意
2007-08-10 3:14 am
Q1:句中based on the technology involved用了甚麼文法?
Ans: It is an adjective clause to further describe the situation of computer systems's development.

Q2 Ans: Subject= Computer systems
Verb= have undergone
Object= generations
Complement= based on the technology involved.

Good luck!!

2007-08-09 22:32:34 補充:
The system here has problems, which indicates I exceed the number of words even though I didn't, so I can't answer your question here.

2007-08-09 22:36:12 補充:
We use confirmed (Past Participle) to describe the noun (sighting) when we imply the action/situation is passive. In this sentence, "confirmed sightings" = "sighting that was confirmed by sb.(e.g authority)", so we use past participle to indicate this relationship.

2007-08-09 22:36:48 補充:
Since then = Since the previous action ( the last confirmed sighting of the baiji dolphin), you may chage the sentence structure as follow:Since the sighting of the baiji dolphin was confirmed five years ago, there have been unconfirmed sightings (but no sighting has been confirmed).

2007-08-09 22:58:32 補充:
In English, we usually avoid using the same words in a sentence. For example,1. I eat as much as John does ( "does" here = eat)2. I ran as fast as Sam did ("did" here = ran).Therefore, we use "since then" rather than repeat the same information.
參考: The practical English Grammar

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