
2007-08-10 2:17 am
詞:at lightning trembled was rain but thunder while

One dark night, 1) little Jimmy was sleeping, 2) roared and 3) flashed.He woke up as he heard a strange noise.He tried to figure out what it was, 4) he could not. As the sound came closer, he 5) helplessly under the blanket.Suddenly,the door was opened and he saw something horrible.

回答 (3)

2007-08-10 2:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) While
2) thunder
3) lightning
4) but
5) trembled
2007-08-10 2:24 am
1) the
2) being
3) -
4) but
5) hided
2007-08-10 2:21 am
意思是:在閃電打顫了是雨,但雷,當一黑暗的夜, 1)小吉米睡覺時)閃動的2)咆哮的和3。當他聽見了奇怪的噪聲,他醒了。他設法推測什麼它是, 4)他不可能。 聲音來了更加緊密,他5)無能為力地在毯子之下。突然,打開了門,并且他看了可怕的事。
參考: 自己

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