唔識呀!!!!!!!!!!About red blood cells and white blood cells

2007-08-10 12:42 am
1. Give THREE differences between red blood cells and phagocyte, based on their structure, shape and structure.

2. What is the function of structure R?

3. What will happen to Q when it becomes aged and how can its waste be removed from the body?

回答 (2)

2007-08-10 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Comparsion | Red blood cells | White blood cells
Shape | biconcave disc shape | Irregular shape
Size | diameter ~7-8um | diameter ~10-20um(phagocyte), diameter ~6-10um(lymphocyte)
Number | ~5.4million/mm3 of blood | ~7000/mm3 of blood
Color | red (becoz of haemoglobin) | no color
Nucleus | no when mature | lobed(phagocyte), large & round(lymphocyte)
Function | carry oxygen from lungs to all parts of body | protect us from disease
Site of production | bone marrow of long bones, ribs & vertebrae | bone marrow
Site of destruction | liver & spleen | by pathogen/pass out of body
Life span | ~120 days | a few days only for most of them


2007-08-09 19:04:44 補充:
***** = p h a g o ...
參考: New Mastering Basic Concepts 3 (P.158)
2007-08-10 7:36 am
1. red blood cells are biconcave in shape in order to increase their
surface area. phagocytes have no stable shape because it needs to
change its shape in order to engulf the germs.包住d病毒再殺死
Lymphocytes are not biconcave in shape.

Mature red blood cells have no nucleus but the phagocyte sand lymphocytes
both have nucleus

Phagocyte sand lymphocytes are larger than red blood cells.

2睇唔到structure R係乜...

3我估係red blood cells 掛?

red blood cells aged 既 nucleus 會expelled from the cell in order to
gain more capacity for storing more nutrients or urea.
The nucleus 會轉番做urea掛?因為要排出體外

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:54:54
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