pokemon 鑽石版通訊傳獸問題...20分!!

2007-08-10 12:21 am
我有幾隻50 幾lv ge 獸...
想傳比人... 一個重新玩過, 第一關大佬都未打ge 人... 珍珠版ge...
1. 未打到第6 7 關ge人 , 我傳唔傳到o甘高lv ge 獸比佢呢?
2. 就算傳到... o甘用唔用到呢 ? 聽人講佢會唔聽話, 唔聽話姐係點?


回答 (2)

2007-08-10 1:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can receive them but they may not listen to you
For example, they may automically sleep, commit suicide,refuse to attack

2007-08-09 17:06:14 補充:
If you cleared a gym, there will a lot of messages ,you have to see the number in the message for example 30=30levelIf no, that means you can still own the level currently!If the 50LV pokemon is owned by yourself,this problem does not occur

2007-08-09 17:08:12 補充:
For example, they may sleep, commit suicide,refuse to attack automically at random

2007-08-09 17:21:07 補充:
This appears in any version.Although I have not played pokemon diamond before
2007-08-11 2:44 am

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