what is the smallest whale?

2007-08-09 6:00 pm
what is the smallest whale?.


回答 (1)

2007-08-10 5:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
The smallest whale is the dwarf sperm whale which as an adult is only 8.5 feet (2.6 m) long.

2007-08-09 21:06:12 補充:
The look:The Dwarf sperm whale is dark grey to blue-grey, with a prominent, falcate dorsal fin. The flippers are located far forward on the body. The snout is slightly pointed and overlaps the tiny underslung jaw and a "false gill" marking behind the eye.

2007-08-09 21:06:36 補充:
Thus it may resemble a shark when stranded. At sea the Pygmy sperm whale is often seen in small groups of up to 6, floating motionless at the surface with only a part of the head and the back and dorsal fin visible. Up to six teeth are found in the upper jaw.

2007-08-09 21:06:44 補充:
The location in Africa:The Pygmy sperm whale can be seen along the entire coast of South Africa and Namibia, over the edge of the continental shelf.

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