去外國讀書要bring什麼? 要注意什麼?

2007-08-09 5:49 pm
今次係我第一次出國, 一個人去讀書, 我去的地方都好凍, 要bring d 咩? 要注意d咩? 上機又要注意d咩? 心情有什麼要prepare?
請各位邦邦我, thanks!

回答 (2)

2007-08-09 6:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
放鬆d啦... 妳"識認"力勁唔勁嫁, 外唔外向嫁, lee 2樣都ok 既 就冇咩好驚啦, 好快識到新朋友仔既, 但要小心個邊有d local 會有歧視呢, 小心唔好咁易同人有衝突, 因為妳係個邊同local 發生咩事, 妳會比較劣勢

之於要帶咩野, 帶多幾件厚33, 一件雨"擁", 被個d可以去到先買既, 不過有機會比係香港買既貴, 電腦要帶啦, 香港買定, 如果想用desktop 就去到先買lcd mon. 囉, 如果妳個邊真係好凍, 妳住既地方一定有heater 既,不過住dorn, 既一定唔係24小時開ka la, 家用heater 都可以係個邊既電器店內買到, 唔係太貴既, 其他日常生活野, 我諗妳可以既 都去到先買啦, 無謂拎咁多野帶去嘛

仲有, 妳會唔會成日同妳家人講電話, 如有, 妳又有冇聽過skype phone 個d, 因為個個會平過idd 好多, 佢地打返比妳不過係計香港打香港ja, 因為妳用個度phone 可以申請返個香港電話號碼拎過去用, 詳細既唔多記得0.0 真係有用自己去search skype 0.0

仲有, 而家上機, 唔可以帶多過100ml 既 液體上體, 所以, 有咩液體狀既野, 可以唔帶都唔好帶, 咁就唔洗煩, 有咩利器, 如cutter, 指甲鉗個d, 一定要寄鎗, 千祈唔好直接, 間接帶上機, 唔係又係搵自己黎煩, 同個件野會冇左

參考: 我._.w
2007-08-10 12:36 pm
Clothing is cheaper in HK, you can bring along thick coats & a down jacket, jeans + other underwears you need. However I must remind you the style /fashion in the US is different from that in HK. So if you bring a lot of garments which are not in style here, you will probably not wear them especially in the school campus. It may be better to wait for sale time here to get what you need. The voltage here is 110V so be careful with electrical appliances you bring.
As to a laptop , which is a must for all students here, you can get one much cheaper than in HK, especially in big stores like "Best Buy" that adverises now a Compaq notebook for only $379.99, it has Intel Celeron M Processor,Windows Vista Home Basic, 512MB memory ,80GB hard drive, reads & writes dual- layer DVDs & CDs. Although you have to pay salestax ( that depends on what state you live in) it is still cheaper than HK. Furthermore we can obtain bargains on sites such as e-Bay ,eCost etc.If you Google search there are millions of places to hunt for bargains & knowledge of any kind.
As to preparing yourself psychologically, bear in mind you must work extra hard & give yourself time to adjust. You may encounter problems in understanding the American language & culture, the social makeup and so on. It will be quite an experience.
I am not a student but a retiree from HK who hasd been living in California for >10yrs making trips back to HK frequently.

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