
2007-08-09 11:01 am
酒店提供的invitation card是fill in the blanks:

requests the pleasure of the company of
for ________ (3)_________
at ___(4)_____, xxxxx Hotel, xxxxxx HK
on ___(5)_______________
R.S.V.P (contact number)

(1)Groom & Bride's name (由一對新人做host)
(2) ??????????
(3) Wedding ceremony & banquet
(4) Name / floor of the room
(5) Date

想特別指出6 pm ceremony及 830 pm banquet,時間於哪裡加上呢?

回答 (2)

2007-08-09 12:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Should be the names of the bride's and groom's parents.
2. Name of bride and groom.
You can add 6 pm ceremony及 830 pm banquet at the end.

But seriously, you should custom print your own invitation.
Fill in the blank 婚禮請柬 is kind of tacky.
2007-11-16 6:52 am
(2) name of guests

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