To the mothers with daughters....How cute is it when your little girl tries on your heels?

2007-08-09 4:08 am
I have a 2 year old daughter and whenever I'm in my room changing she comes along to play dress up. I think it is funny to see her walk in my shoes because she is good at it....almost better than me LOL. Do you remember trying on your mother's shoes? I did it all the time and I couldn't wait until I actually fit them.

回答 (10)

2007-08-09 4:10 am
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I think it's adorable!
2007-08-09 11:12 am
sorry if i am braking a rule but i am an uncle and to me it is cute and funny to see he walking around with giant hills and just riping the run way and to see the confidence in her face when she is playing dress up in her little play outfits its plain out adorable
2007-08-10 5:21 am
I remembered my daughter used to do that when she was 2-4 yrs old, it's so cute and always makes me laugh and I'll hug and kiss her. Don't worry about the hygiene, you always give her a bath before she went to bed right? Let the kids have fun. I also remembered I used to wear my mom's dresses and high heels and pretend to be a princess...
2007-08-09 11:53 am
aww, that' so sweet, i can still wear my mom's shoes but my 13 year old daughter out grew me years ago. enjoy it while you can because one day you are going to turn and look at your little girl & she'll be a little lady.
2007-08-09 11:31 am
I was not allowed to wear my mothers heels because I would break them. But, I loved it when my daughter would try on my shoes and dresses. Unfortunately, I started something bad. She is 16 years old now and when I can't find my t-shirts and my shoes, 98% of the time, they are in her room. Funny, you start something when they are small and it doesn't stop. But, you know what, I would not change it for the world.
2007-08-09 11:31 am
It is cute!! My daughter does this! They are so big on her feet, just too cute! She also walks pretty good in them! I moved some of my heels to the bottom of my closet and those are "hers" to wear.
2007-08-09 11:15 am
I still have a year and a half before my daughter gets there, but I can't wait to see her in my heels, they do look cute, I've seen my nieces do it. I think it's cute when my son tries on my husbands shoes, it's funny to see him try to walk in them.
2007-08-09 11:14 am
I think it is adoreable. My oldest daughter will be 3 on the 25th and she tries on her gmals heels all the time and its even better when she only has her undies on and the heels and goes strutting through the house.Mind you this she is also a bit chubby so it makes it all the more cuter.
2007-08-09 11:13 am
I dont have a little girl but if my little boy does that it would be cute (but he is only 5 months old lol)
2007-08-09 11:11 am
My mum used to stress at me for wearing her shoes as she said it is unhygienic. it is cute yes the only thing i really see that is wrong with it is that it is not got for there feet and posture

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