請幫忙釋做英文呀, 麻煩你們.

2007-08-09 7:15 am
請幫忙釋做英文呀, 麻煩你們.

我想講 :
由於之前走的3個柜,裝得太滿, 導致最後一批貨只得47.00 CBM, 我們提意你加其他item,
裝滿一個40' container.

回答 (3)

2007-08-09 7:44 am
✔ 最佳答案

The first 3 containers on the way were fully loaded. Therefore, the last batch of goods only occupied for 47 cbm and we suggest you to make use of the spacing left in that 40' container.
首三隻貨櫃裝滿貨。最後一批貨只佔47.00 CBM,見議加其他貨品, 裝滿一個40' 貨櫃。


2007-08-08 23:46:23 補充:
we suggest you to add more items for maximum use of the spacing left in that 40' container.
參考: my 40 years commercial experience with foreigners
2007-08-09 7:34 am
Because the three container that have been send out were already contained too many items. Therefore, the last batch of goods only have 47.00 CRM. We propose you to add more items in order to fullfill an 40-feet container.
參考: Myself
2007-08-09 7:21 am
After he / she left, he /she had tried the best to put as much as he/she can in each container. Now there are 3 containers full and the last batch is only 47 CBM. I think you may add some more items that you can use 1 more 40-feet container.
參考: myself

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