
2007-08-09 4:03 am


回答 (1)

2007-08-09 9:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
you can go to visit jupas website


in download area-->Admissions Grades ( you can see all University& each programme's admissions grades )

Also, city LU BU 相對地對 ce 無物特別要求,除了特別科目
CU ce --> grade e or above in same sitting in at least 7 subjusts ( Eng & Chinese must include)

HU ce--> grade e or above in at least 7 subjusts (at 1st or 2 nd), but 6 subjusts need to in one sitting, also must includeing Maths pass~
AL--> Use of English must have D

教院 ce--> grade e or above in at least 6 subjusts in not more than two sittings, including English, Chinese and Maths

for details you can visit jupas~
Hope my ans can help you~ :]

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