
This is a game about pronunciation. Some words have the same pronuciation.
e.g 'write' and 'right'
Can you find some other pairs?
1.______________ _______________

But can you find three words which have the same pronunciation?
2._______________ _______________ _______________


回答 (4)

2007-08-09 4:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. bed / bad
ring/ rain
hello/ halo

2. white/ right/ write
參考: 我自己
2007-08-09 10:02 pm
1 maid, made
fair, fare
bare, bear
mail, male
grate, great

2 pair, pare, pear
buy, by, buy
vain, vein, vane
sew, so, sow

(actually there are many many many....words which sound the same but have different meanings are called homophones)

also just want to say that
chanwaiwah's answer - none of them sound the same apart from right/wright
maskin only got site/sight, flour/flower and two/too right
janet - right/white/quite are totally different! you can say they rhyme with each other but they _do not_ sound the same at all

2007-08-10 12:49:25 補充:
根本都唔同音!!!! 有冇搞錯呀, 你唔識就唔好亂揀最佳答案啦!!!!!!!!!
2007-08-09 4:40 am
sight --- site
pool --- pull
side --- sigh (嘆氣)
room --- roam (漫步, 閑逛)
number --- lumber (木材)
flower --- flour (麵粉)
notion (觀念) --- lotion (護膚液)
shoe --- sue (控告, 對某人提訴訟)

two --- too --- tool

2007-08-08 22:24:55 補充:
sea --- see ; pan --- penso --- soul ; sand --- sendmeet --- meat ; soup --- soapsunny --- sonny (the way you call a boy who is younger than you)
2007-08-09 4:20 am
1. are, a

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