golf lesson for kid

2007-08-09 2:49 am
i would like to let my 3.5-y-o girl to start her golf. May I know where can she learn but not too pricey? Where can I buy a set of golf club for her without special order(she is left-hander)?

Thanks. May I know is there anything in Kowloon? It is a bit too far for me from Tsueng Kwan O. And do they have kid golf club for rent?

回答 (2)

2007-08-21 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我囝囝就嚮滘西州學梗打golf. 都學左半年架喇.

hk$180 for 2 hours (包埋bay fee), 我睇左好多資料, kcs 就最抵架喇. 而club 係唔駛買o既, 因為training centre會provide埋, 只係買手套仔就可以了.

九龍就可以去長沙灣, 我自己就唔多鐘意, 因為我鐘意比較遠離都市的感覺, 另外, city golf 都有得學

以下有三個website 俾你參考:-

有一樣最緊要最緊要, 係自己要consider o既, 就係3.5歲會唔會太細, 佢會唔會控制唔到自己, 衝出去張席, 咁就會好危險.

p.s. 我個仔都係岩岩夠5歲至開始學球, 依家就黎可以打wood了. 打多半年就可以打medal喇. 不如你睇定d資料, 俾小朋友大少少至學吧.

2007-08-22 10:13:54 補充:
香港賣golf clus o既地方都有kid's club 賣架喇, 手套都有分左右手, clubs 當然都有分, 所以一定有得賣架. 不過最平o既方法, 就係去美國買, 因為果邊多小朋友學golf, 所以d用品都好平, 一套us kids都係幾百蚊港紙, 如果你有朋友嚮果邊, 或者出開trip o既, 咁就買套返黎囉, 不過要提一提, 小朋友大得快, 轉club亦轉得快呢.
2007-08-09 9:42 pm
Did the little girl try to play of golf? To avoid to waste too much on time and money, I suggest you and your girl go to Tuen Mun golf centre to increase her interest for golf first. There have Children's playground to let your girl for rest if she felt tried on the golf. Also, there have other Golf Facilities and Ancillary Facilities as below.

2-storey driving range with 91 driving bays, Tees on G/F and 1/F, over 200-yard distance range
Practice greens
Sand bunker
Practice mirrors
Sloping platforms
Pro shop
Children's playground
Booking office
Teaching room
Changing rooms with lockers
A free carpark with 53 parking spaces (including 1 parking space for the disabled)

For more information, please go to below link.

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