CityU 讀副學士先修

2007-08-09 1:56 am
我想問係CityU 讀副學士先修升副學士機會大唔大???

回答 (1)

2007-08-21 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
I read the newsapapers saying that almost 85-90% of the people in CityU 讀副學士先修 can 升副學士.
If you are talking about getting a job, associate degree is the same as HD-but employers like HD more-because if you read the City's U or Space's booklet,
HD 專業性: 65% (other 35% are 通識)
Assco.專業: just35-40% (others are 60-65%)
But if you are talking about getting a degree, assocaite degree is high in 認受性高
Don't worry too much because people study all the time-after associate degree, people will study master's. Many many things you can study!!!

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 17:10:00
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