What is the difference between 機械工程師 and 工程師 ????

2007-08-09 1:41 am
I don't know what is the difference between 機械工程師 and 工程師 ???Because i am interested in these subject and i want to know more about it .

回答 (2)

2007-08-09 1:43 am
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2007-08-08 17:44:37 補充:
2007-08-13 11:40 pm
工程師分好多類, 其中一種係機械工程師,,mechanical engineering


Mechanical engineering is a discipline at the heart of engineering. Indeed, nothing can move in the modern world without the participation of mechanical engineers. In transportation, motor cars, trains, mass transit railway systems, ships and aeroplanes are designed and maintained by mechanical engineers. A factory producing mechanical, chemical or electronic products could not run smoothly without mechanical engineers. Power stations would come to a halt without mechanical engineers. These are only a few, but important, examples. They illustrate that mechanical engineers are trained to cope with a variety of challenges and have a very broad career spectrum.

The degree of BEng in Mechanical Engineering aims to prepare our graduates for the many career paths open to them. It is broadly based to allow students to acquire a basic engineering science knowledge, and is flexible enough to enable students to specialise in areas of their own interest.

The emphasis of the mechanical engineering programme in the first two years is on the basic engineering science subjects such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, mechanics of solids, material technology, dynamics and control. In the final year, students can choose to specialise in areas such as computer-related manufacturing technologies, building services, acoustics and vibration, or to study in-depth the basic engineering subjects described earlier. Students also have the opportunity to select the Environmental Engineering stream after the first year of study.

Subject to approval, students may opt to minor in Business, Economics or Finance.


Graduates of the BEng degree in Mechanical Engineering are well prepared for a range of career opportunities. Recognised professional training is offered by the Hong Kong government, public utility companies, consultant firms and manufacturing companies. Most graduates seek and obtain professional qualifications from both local and the UK engineering institutions at a later stage of their career.

There are a variety of career opportunities for graduates of the BEng degree in Mechanical Engineering. Employment is available in public utilities, the MTRC, the KCRC, the Kowloon Motor Bus Company, gas and power companies, and the government. Another source of employment is in the manufacturing sector, notably firms producing consumer goods, heavy machinery, precision components, toys, electrical appliances and electronic products. Solving problems related to design, manufacturing, material sourcing, maintenance and management is a challenge of the job. There are good prospects for advancement to senior management. In building services, graduates are involved in the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of a range of building services systems such as air-conditioning, building automation and energy management systems.

Employers in both the public and private sector require the services of environmental professionals to ensure that their organisations fully comply with the requirements of new environmental legislation, and there is therefore a strong demand in both sectors for engineering graduates with a solid background in environmental engineering.

Graduates of the environmental engineering stream can pursue careers in water, air and noise pollution control, solid and hazardous waste treatment, research and development of pollution control equipment, pollution control enforcement and environmental planning and assessment.

Those who wish to further their studies can either read for a research degree or enrol for other postgraduate courses such as an MSc or an MBA.

more about engineering programs
參考: HKU website

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