
2007-08-09 1:09 am

盡可能接近紅區時轉波 咁姐係..要係紅區前轉波....越接近越好?

回答 (2)

2007-08-09 1:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Technically, anytime you can switch. It really depends on your car to determine the BEST time to do so.

Redline indicates the maximum limit for SAFE engine operation. Usually your car's computer will cut off your fuel or ignition when you reach pass it.

2007-08-08 23:45:26 補充:
通常引擎設計,當指針剛到紅區前時之扭力輸出最大That is incorrect. 99% of engines are not designed that way. Usually when a person shifts at redline, the RPM will drop near the max torque.

2007-08-09 11:43:36 補充:
咁姐係..要係紅區前轉波....越接近越好?Only if you want max power and drive fast. You will also burn more fuel doing so.
2007-08-09 5:11 am

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