
2007-08-08 10:57 pm
如果有人知可以send去我email:[email protected]

回答 (1)

2007-08-11 6:59 am
✔ 最佳答案

I think you need to create "animation gif" type image, and set the image as a background image of your webpage.

the way to do animation gif, you need to use some program, such as macromedia firework.

animation gif, consist of many layors, each layout will have a life time, while the life time end, it will switch to the next layor etc.. so.. if you want to make some animation like this. you will need to take time.. if you need 5 layor movment in 1 sec.. 10 sec will need 50 layors. for example, you can adjust the life time of your image, that is just depend on you design.

I would think that, there is some other tool that convert video file into animation gif. you probably want to give a search on google, to find out.
參考: My knowledge

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