1)We haven't seen you in a while... our records show that you last signed in to Tickle on July 12, 2006.
Because you have not signed in to Tickle within the past year, your account has been marked as inactive. If your account remains inactive for another 30 days, we'll need to delete it.
To reactivate your account now, click this link:
我們沒看見您有一段時間... 您簽到最後發痒在2006 年7月12 日的我們的紀錄展示。
由於您未簽到發痒在過去年之內, 您的帳戶被標記了像不活潑。如果您的帳戶依然是不活潑另外30 天, 我們將需要刪除它。
現在恢復活動您的帳戶, 點擊這個鏈接:
2)Or, simply sign in to Tickle any time within the next month.
If you do nothing, your account will be deleted in 30 days. Your membership information will be permanently erased.
或, 簡單地簽到任何時侯發痒在下月之內。
如果您做□什麼, 您的帳戶將被刪除在30 天。您的會員資格資訊永久地將刪掉。
If you have any questions about your account, or to contact Customer Service, please visit
This email was sent to constancepong1996@yahoo.com.hk
Tickle Inc., 222 Sutter St, 5th Flr, San Francisco, CA 94108
如果您有關於您的帳戶的任何問題, 或與顧客服務聯繫, 請參觀
http://support.tickle.com 。
這電子郵件被送了到constancepong1996@yahoo.com.hk 痒感公司, 222 個Sutter St, 第5 Flr, 舊金山, 加州94108