
2007-08-08 7:33 pm
考飛機師有咩要求? HD 畢業得唔得(但如果會考中,英fail)? 咩叫CPL? Walk in 自薦見得唔得? 重有咩要注意呢. . .?
考空中服務員有100度近視得唔得? HD 畢業得唔得(但如果會考中,英fail)? Walk in 自薦見得唔得?

回答 (2)

2007-08-08 7:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
國泰:5 passes in HKCEE / GCSE (O Level), including Physics and Mathematics, together with 2 passes in HKAL / GCE A Level, preferably in Science OR
a Degree or Diploma in any discipline (or the equivalent educational standard obtained overseas)


To become a Flight Attendant (Hong Kong Base), you need to meet the following requirements:

You must have the Right of Abode in Hong Kong;
You must be educated to HKCEE standard or equivalent with a pass in English (Syllabus B);
Proficiency in reading and speaking Mandarin, English and Cantonese is essential;
You must also be able to pass a medical assessment and meet a minimum arm-reach of 208cm.
2007-08-08 7:38 pm

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