adminstrative assistant/secretary

2007-08-08 6:32 pm
我想問adminstrative assistant 同 secretary gei分別係咩??

回答 (2)

2007-08-08 7:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Administrative assistant's job is more than secretary.
Their job include everything relating to administration of the whole office.
Secretary mainly help their boss to complete their daily routine job.
2007-08-09 1:41 am
I work as secretary for many difference companies. The title is no meaning. Secretary = 打雜。 寫字樓無同事做的工作,老細都會叫秘書做。 除非是一間好大規範的公司就例外。

找個專門範疇的部門assistant 做好過拉。
參考: me

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