
2007-08-08 5:35 pm
我英文好差,請幫我翻譯英文,唔駭 。

1. 薪金
2. 福利:包括:(勤工獎:花紅:佣金:雙糧:年資)
3. 工作時間

回答 (5)

2007-08-09 6:17 am
1. 薪金 Basic Salary
2. 福利:包括:(勤工獎:花紅:佣金:雙糧:年資)
Benefits including: attendance bonus, bonus, commission, double pay, recognised my year of service
3. 工作時間
Working Hours: special leave with pay should be granted to me during my little daughter's school holiday and I will provide the supporting document such as school calendar. Under this circumstances, there shall not have any deduction of my basic salary as well as the attendance bonus.
不過,我覺得這點要求實在太過份了. 如果你老闆都應承,那麼你在你老闆的心目中都好重要喎!
參考: my experience
2007-08-08 6:19 pm
1.薪金:a salary; a stipend; pay

2.福利:welfare; interests; fringe benefits

2.2包括:to include; to embrace; to comprehend; to comprise; to cover; to involve

2.3勤工獎:legwork,travail award

2.4花紅:crabapple,a bonus; a premium,a gift for a wedding, etc.

2.5佣金:commission; brokerage; broker's fees



2.8按照:according to; in accordance with; in (the) light of; in terms of; on the basis of; in the way of

2.9之前:before; prior to,ago

2.10一樣:the same; equally; alike; in the same manner; in common withan (object, item or article)

2.11不變:constant; invariable; steadfast; abiding; changeless

3.工作時間:working time

4.如果:if; supposing that; in case of (or that); in the event of (or that); on the understanding that


6.細女的:small girl the

7.學校假期:school vacation

8.我不要:I don't

9.上班:to go to work; to report for duty; to be at work; to be on duty; to be on the job

10不扣:to the letter

11工資:wages; pay; earnings
2007-08-08 6:04 pm
1. Salary;

2. All benefits (including bonus for attendance, year-end bonus (我估計「花紅」是指「年終花紅」), commission, double-pay and my length of service) will remain unchanged like before.

3. Working hours: The Company should allow me to take leave during my little daughter's school holidays and should not deduct my salary and bonus for attendace for this purpose.
2007-08-08 5:43 pm
1. salary
2. Welfare: Including: (Diligent work prize: Chinese pear-leaf crabapple:
Commission: Double grain: Period of service
3. Operating time
4. (If I thin female school vacation, I do not go to work. Does not
buckle the wages and the diligent work prize)
2007-08-08 5:41 pm
1. 薪金 Salary
2. 福利:包括:(勤工獎:花紅:佣金:雙糧:年資)
Benefits include: (Special bonus, Bonus, Commission, Double Pay, Qualification) Same as before (Unchange)
3. 工作時間
Working hours
(There is no deduction on the salary and special bonus on the school holiday from my younger daughter.)

2007-08-08 09:42:27 補充:
(I could be off on the school holiday from my younger daughter and there is no deduction on my salary and special bonus.)

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