English sentence structure!!

2007-08-08 8:35 am
i require some sentence structures, please list out as more as you can.
the one who express the most detail and clearest,get the mark.

回答 (1)

2007-08-08 6:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
e.g. He came
2)S+V+C(subject+verb +complement)
e.g. she is happy
3)S+V+O(subject+verb +object)
e.g. She has flowers
4)S+V+O1+O2(subject+ verb+indirect object+direct object)
e.g. I give him a book
5)S+V+O+C(subject+ve rb+complement)
e.g. This made her happy
  We elected him President
還有集合句(Compound Sentence),如:
It was raining hard, but he had to go.(雨下得很大,但是他必須去)
並且還有複合句(Complex Sentence)
Though it was rainning hard, he had to go.(雖然雨下得很大,但他必須去)
I know that she is happy.(我知道她是快樂的)
我也介紹你看以下英文文法網站:http://www.npc.edu.h k/staff/~ngtungying/ english_grammar/

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