
2007-08-08 6:54 am
Dear Amy,
上星期你吩咐我做的事大多完了,只剩下出 memo.
得 candy 的意見後,我已草擬了 memo ,不知道是否到你的要求,若有修改之處,敬請指出。

回答 (3)

2007-08-08 6:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Amy,
I've almost completed all jobs that you have assigned to me last week, just only left the issuance of the memo.
As being advised by Candy, I've drafted the memo. I'm not sure if it fits your requirement. Kindly check it out & advise if you need any amendment.
Thanks & regards,
(your name)
參考: myself (an experienced purchasing person)
2007-08-08 8:59 am
上星期你吩咐我做的事大多完了,只剩下出 memo.
得 candy 的意見後,我已草擬了 memo ,不知道是否到你的要求,若有修改之處,敬請指出。

Do you really need it that formal???????

I have finished most of the tasks you gave me last week. I am now doing the memo. After talking to Candy, I have made a draft of the memo. Please kindly review and comment. Thanks.
2007-08-08 7:01 am
Dear Amy,

I've almost completed all jobs that you have assigned to me last week, just only left the issuance of the memo.

As being advised by Candy, I've drafted the memo. I'm not sure if it fits your requirement. Kindly check it out & advise if you need any amendment.

Thanks & regards,

(your name)
參考: 自己

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