
2007-08-08 3:01 am
what is the meaning of whom?
and how can i use it?
give me some example please~

回答 (2)

2007-08-08 3:15 am
✔ 最佳答案

格 代人 代物 代人或物
主格 who what which
賓格 whom what which
所有格 whose / /

1. who

Who are you?﹝對不認識的人問「你是誰?」答話:I am John.﹞
Who is it?﹝對敲門的人問「哪一位?」答話:It is John.﹞
Who is this?﹝在電話中問「哪位?」答話:This is John.﹞
Who is the girl in the street?
Who stands there?﹝答話:John stands there.﹞
Who stand there?﹝答話:John and Mary stand there.﹞
* 前一句用"stands",所問的是一人;後一句用"stand",所問的是兩人
2. whom

Whom do you hate?﹝答話:I hate John.﹞
Whom do you go with?
或 With whom do you go?﹝答話:I go with Mary.﹞
* 口語常說:Who do you hate?或 Who do you go with? 已被接受,
但不說:With who do you go?
3. whose

Whose is this book?﹝這本書是誰的【東西】?﹞
﹝答話:This book is hers.﹞
Whose are these horses? ﹝These horses are theirs.﹞
4. what﹝主格﹞


What are you?﹝你的職業是什麼?﹞
﹝答話:I am a teacher.﹞
What makes her so happy?
﹝答話:The good news makes her so happy.﹞
5. what﹝賓格﹞


What do you see? ﹝答話:I see a bird.﹞
What do you see with?
或 With what do you see?﹝答話:I see with my eyes.﹞
6. which﹝主格﹞


Which of the two dogs is yours?
﹝答話:The white one is mine.﹞
Which of the old men is your uncle?
﹝答話:The old man with white hair is my uncle.﹞

7. which﹝賓格﹞


By which of these two roads do you go to school?
﹝答話:I go to school by the left one.﹞
2007-08-08 3:12 am
Whom 係好似WHO咁..但係佢地所問既野唔同...

姐係好似咁...Whom is Sally's sister??
Who are you??
參考: me

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