改一改 ok?

2007-08-08 2:58 am
Correact the mistakes in the following questions.
1.A number is increased by 20%and the result is 48.
The number = 48×(1-20%)
= 38.4
2.If A is 10% greater than B and A = 110,
then B = 110×(1-10%)
= 99

回答 (2)

2007-08-08 3:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
( 1 ) 1 - 20% is very wrong as the Q asks for an increase but not a decrease.
48×(1-20%) means 48 is decreased by 20%.

Let the original number be x.
x ( 1 + 20% ) = 48
x = 48 / ( 1 + 20% )
x = 40
( 2 ) The calculation B = 110×(1-10%) means B is 10% less than A.
Then the % of A greater than B: { ( 110 - 99 ) / 99 } x 100% = 11.1% ( cor. to 3 s.f. )
This contradicts with the statement A is 10% greater than B.
A = B ( 1 + 10% )
A = 1.1B
B = A / 1.1
B = 110 / 1.1 = 100
參考: My Maths Knowledge
2007-08-08 3:49 am
1The number = 48/(1+20%)
= 40
2 B = 110/(1+10%)
= 100

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