english questions

2007-08-08 1:31 am
In one study, nine dogs that had been injured in road accidents or had suffered major injuries were given this operation. Before the operation, all of the dogs had been unable to move. After the procedure, the dogs were able to have more movement and feeling in their bodies. They hope this new treatment will one day be effective on human patients as well.

回答 (1)

2007-08-08 2:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
(Because dogs are very similarly built to humans) is not correct
because dogs are (NOT) very similarly built to humans.

(Because humans and dogs have the same brain cells) is not correct
because humans and dogs (DO NOT) have the same brain cells.

(Because the spinal cord in dogs are the same as humans) is not correct
because the spinal cord in dogs are (NOT) the same as humans.

(Because nerve cells in the spinal cord can regrow) is correct
because after the operation, the dogs were able to have more movement and feeling in their bodies due to the regrow of their nerve cells in their spinal cord.
The doctors hope that when the treatment is tested on human patients in future, the patients might be able to have more movement and feeling in their bodies if their nerve cells in their spinal cord can also regrow.

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