
2007-08-08 12:14 am
1.Jimmy is very _.He is always active and never feels tired.
2.Tommy is rather _.He can talk for hours.
3.Karen is a _ girl. She always wears a smile on her face.
4.Sophia is a _ girl. You can always rely on her.
5.Keith is very _.He likes helping people.
6.Ada is a _ girl. She once cried for a dying cat on the street.
7.Andrew is a _ boy. He asks questions about almost anything.
8.Sarah is a very _ girl. She never shares anything with her friends.

pleasant selfish energetic trustworthy curious helpful sympathetic talkative

回答 (6)

2007-08-08 12:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Jimmy is very energetic. He is always active and never feels tired.

2.Tommy is rather talkative. He can talk for hours.

3.Karen is a pleasant girl. She always wears a smile on her face.

4.Sophia is a trustworthy girl. You can always rely on her.

5.Keith is very helpful. He likes helping people.

6.Ada is a sympathetic girl. She once cried for a dying cat on the street.

7.Andrew is a curious boy. He asks questions about almost anything.

8.Sarah is a very selfish girl. She never shares anything with her friends.

2007-08-07 16:45:22 補充:
^+^ ▌★學多D,識多D★▌No.1-8 成句的解釋:1.占美是非常精力充沛的,他總是活躍的和從未感到疲乏。2.湯美是相當健談的,他能談話幾個小時。3.嘉雲是一個宜人的女孩,她時常臉帶笑容的。4.蘇菲亞是一個信得過女孩,你可以永遠信任她。5.基夫是非常有幫助的,他喜歡幫助人。6.亞達是一個富有同情心的女孩,她曾經為一隻在街道垂死的貓哭泣。7.安德魯是一個好奇的男孩,他問幾乎任何東西的問題。8.莎拉是一個非常自私的女孩。她從來也不會與她的朋友分享任何事物。^●^---希望幫到你啦!
參考: My Knowledge + My Mind + English Dictionary + My Experience + Have Learned
2007-08-08 8:28 pm
1. Energetic
2. Talkative
3. Pleasant
4. Trustworthy
5. Helpful
6. Sympathetic
7. Curious
8. Selfish
2007-08-08 12:23 am
1) energetic
2) talkative
3) pleasant
4) trustworthy
5) helpful
6) sympathetic
7) curious
8) selfish
2007-08-08 12:22 am
1.Jimmy is very _energetic _.He is always active and never feels tired.

2.Tommy is rather _talkative_.He can talk for hours.

3.Karen is a _pleasant_ girl. She always wears a smile on her face.

4.Sophia is a _ girl. You can always rely on her.

5.Keith is very _trustworthy_ .He likes helping people.

6.Ada is a _sympathetic_ girl. She once cried for a dying cat on the street.

7.Andrew is a _curious_ boy. He asks questions about almost anything.

8.Sarah is a very _selfish_ girl. She never shares anything with her friends.
2007-08-08 12:20 am
1. energetic
2. talkative
3. pleasant
4. trustworthy
5. helpful
6. sympathetic
7. curious
8. selfish
2007-08-08 12:18 am
1. energetic
2. talkative
3. pleasant
4. trustworthy
5. helpful
6. sympathetic
7. curious
8. selfish

2007-08-07 16:21:08 補充:
補充解釋:1. 精力旺盛的 2. 喜歡說話的 3. 和藹可親的 4. 可靠的 5. 有幫助的/很幫得手的 6. 有同情心的 7. 好奇的 8. 自私的
參考: myself

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