simple eng question

2007-08-07 11:50 pm
will be 後面一定要用past tense
我想問咁will be後面可以用adj?

但adj唔可以變past tense??

最好可舉例解答 thz

回答 (4)

2007-08-07 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
will be後面一定不是用past tense,但若是passive voice(被動式)的話,就要用past participle(過去分詞)
如:He will be punished.(他將會被罰)(punished是過去分詞)
但will be若是用作主動式(Active voice),那麼後面是絕對可以用Adjective
如:You will be very strong.(你會很強壯)
  He will be very clever.(他會很聰明)
2007-08-07 11:59 pm
will be can be followed by adj.

I will be pleased/happy/delighted if you listen to me quietly.
pleased/happy/delighted are all adj.
2007-08-07 11:59 pm
唔需要change anything
ex, she will be beautiful
it will be very uncomfortable
we will be glad
2007-08-07 11:59 pm
Yes. You can use "adjective-adj" after "will be".

e.g.: I will be very happy (adj.) when I see the paycheck at the end of the month.

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