7級小提琴aural考試. 急!

2007-08-07 10:52 pm
要點樣答? 可唔可以比d例子我

回答 (1)

2007-08-08 6:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A To sing or play from memory the lower part of a two-part phrase played twice by the examiner. The key-chordand starting note will first be sounded and named, and the pulse indicated.
B To sing a short melody from score, accompanied by a lower part played by the examiner, in any major or minor key up to four sharps or flats. The key-chord and starting note will first be sounded and the pulse indicated. Candidates may choose to sing the test from the treble or bass clef.
C1 To identify a cadence at the end of a phrase, played twice by the examiner, as perfect, imperfect or interrupted. The key-chord will first be sounded.
C2 To identify the two chords forming the above cadence as tonic, subdominant, dominant, dominant seventh or submediant in root position, or tonic in second inversion. Candidates may alternatively use the equivalent roman notation. The key-chord will first be sounded and each chord will be played again.
C3 To identify whether a short passage, played once by the examiner, beginning in a major key modulates to its dominant, subdominant, or relative minor. The key-chord will first be sounded and named. Candidates may alternatively state the letter name of the new key.
D1 To answer questions on the features of a piece played by the examiner, including the general perception of texture, form (including phrase structure), style and period, of which the examiner will select one or two and advise the candidate accordingly before playing the piece. Candidates will be expected to use Italian terms in their answers where appropriate.
D2 To clap the rhythm of a short extract played twice by the examiner from the above piece and state whether it is in 2, 3, 4 or 6/8 time.
你可以找老師替你練習,尤其你必定要找一個伴奏,如果伴奏者是鋼琴導師,一般都願意和你練(當然要另外收費),你也可以買ABRSM的Aural Training in Practice(Book 3-Grade 6 to 8)和Bosworth 出版的Aural Time (Grade 7)加Pupil's book,前者有一些應試小技巧,而後者的Pupil's book對D1有很好的Notes.

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