complete the passage below with suitable tenses 3

2007-08-07 10:02 pm
After careful consideration,we decided to give up our excursion.It was a pity.'(8)____________(be)it ? 'asked May.I nodded.most of us were rather upset. We have been planning this excursion for a long time.(9)________(have)we? But we have to cancel our trip.
It(10)__________(be)an unpleant experience, but we treasured the chance of seeing our old friends.

回答 (4)

2007-08-07 10:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
8..was not / wasn't

9..have not / haven't

2007-08-08 8:54 pm
2007-08-07 11:03 pm
by the way, is unpleasant experience, not unpleant
2007-08-07 10:28 pm
8. wasn't
9. haven't
10. was

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