我想問我要辭職, 最後一日返工應該點好?

2007-08-07 9:55 pm
我想問我要辭職, 最後一日返工應該點好? 要請佢地食野丫, 食咩好, 定走果一刻講咩好比較好, 用咩形式好 d ~ 我想大家都輕鬆 d , 開心 d~ 我只做左八個月~

回答 (4)

2007-08-07 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
多數都係請食tea啦....可以叫tea餐or cake果d囉~都係d commom...反而你d同事會date你食飯請你食既~
參考: 自己
2007-08-07 9:58 pm
睇你公司做開係點,通常都係請食lunch or 西餅咁
2007-08-07 9:58 pm
最好走時就大家交換下tel. 呀, msn 之類, (雖然好多都唔會再contact), 但禮貌上問下好, 同埋你可以買d 西餅請下佢地食咁law~~
參考: 自己
2007-08-07 9:58 pm
Just say something 'i am leaving now so see you lot soon' then ask the boss to take pic.It means you treasure of what he/she did for your last 8 months. And then also take individually pic with colleagues.

This is important so make people thought u treat them important too.

Just like a month later then buy some cake for them then that is the whole process.
參考: it works on my situation

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