
2007-08-07 9:23 pm
1). 請問有冇人用過 lastminute 訂酒店?是否可靠?因為我想11月去意大行,lastminute個網的酒店好平(11月) ,比priceline報比我個價平成半.
2) 我想去rome, Florence and Venice, 請問有冇人住過邊問酒店方便環境又ok,大約一晚$1000左右

回答 (3)

2007-08-22 12:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
lastminute.com is actually run by Travelocity (or Zuji in Hong Kong terms). I used that website before. Absolute horror. I have been trying again and again but payment by credit card cannot be proceeded without stating the reason of failure. I finally have to phone them up by IDD to confirm my booking. It took me half an hour, very slow. Dramatically, the booking confirmation email was still not sent out on the day of departure and I have to call them up again upon my arrival at London.

Worth a note, lastminute charges a surcharge on credit card payment. Some other websites don't. You should browse around.

If you're not too keen on paying in GBP or Euros, Zuji is the nearest equivalent.

Alternatively, try www.expedia.co.uk. Sometimes the quotes are 20% cheaper than lastminute.
2007-08-22 3:10 am
如果只係訂酒店, expedia會好o的, 多o的酒店選擇. 通常人o地去lastminute係訂成個package.
2007-08-10 11:52 am
1) 我本人用過lastminute book hotel in Paris, I think it is OK and safety, they provide very cheap price of hotel, it is reliable don't worry.

And I can recommend one more website, you can find cheap flight, hotel and hostel. I think this website sometimes cheaper than lastminute. You can compare.

2) 這個幫唔到你, 我12月先去意大利~
參考: Studying in UK

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