文(the school gardener talked to us)20分

2007-08-07 9:19 pm
Cheery is a reporter of the school magazine.She interviewed school gardener.Complete the article.about 60 words.

interview notes:
age:59 When did you come to school?1976 Why you work here?uneducated,no skills,could plant trees,flowers Do you like us?yes/lovely children,polite,love my plants
What's your plan next year?do volunteer,grow plants in my own gardern. Will you miss us?yes,spare time to visit school. interviewer:Cherry interviewee:john,school gardener.

回答 (1)

2007-08-07 10:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
John ,uneducated and no skills but planting. He has become the school gardener since 1976.
Age of 59,he will be retired next year. He wants to be a volunteer and grows plants in his own garden.
He likes lovely and polite children that he will miss us all and visit school in his spare time .
Reporter of school magazine : Cheery .
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 03:43:57
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