很簡單的英文句子 2問 10分!!!

2007-08-07 8:11 pm
It is I
It is me

I've written to him, accepting tthe proposal of marriage on your behalf.
句中的accepting之前係唔係隱藏左who is?

新增一條問題 He found the noise of the photographers a distraction 點解唔寫成He found a distraction from the noise of the photographers?


點解He found the noise of the photographers a distraction 唔寫成He found the noise of the photographers which is a distraction

回答 (5)

2007-08-08 12:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實按照嚴格的文法來說,英文是應該寫成,It is I(你可以看看英文魔戒,就可以看到),但現代的人,則常常不理會文法,說成It is me(有文法書說,因為發聲與It is he, It is she相似),因為多人用,故約定俗成,現在英文文法也接受這說法,所以,兩句基本上沒有分別,只是It is me比較隨便。
I've written to him, accepting tthe proposal of marriage on your behalf.
I've written to him who accepted the proposal of marriage on your behalf.
原句的意思:我寫信給他,代表你接受他的求婚。所以,這句隱藏了的主詞也就是主句的主詞,即 I
這句可看作:I've written to him and (I) accepted the proposal of marriage on your behalf. 〔(I)可省略〕

2007-08-08 09:54:30 補充:
你要記得一句說話”簡單就是美”,用最少的文字能清晰表達內容就是最好。He found the noise of the photographers a distraction 這句,是用了一種句型S+V+O+C(Subject Verb Object Complement),而這句的補語是受詞補語Object Complement,來補充此句的受詞(the noise of the photographers)如:We elected him President也是svoc,They did not find it so easy也是svoc的句型。

2007-08-08 09:55:27 補充:
2007-08-09 7:05 am
First question: It is I doesn't make sense and it is informal english.
Second question: No, it is not hiding.
Thrid Question: They are the same but adding 'which is' is just making it longer and longer and longer, you don't actually need it.
2007-08-08 2:58 am
I is a suject

me is a object
參考: me
2007-08-07 8:28 pm
I must be put before the verb (subject pronoun)
'Me' must be put after the verb.
I have not seen such kind of sentence before (It is I)
The previous sentence has already mentioned who the person is
The meaning of this sentence in Chinese is
As a result , the previous sentence has already mentioned who the person is .

2007-08-07 21:46:50 補充:
The first sentence states that the noise made by photographers is a distraction.It focuses on the noise of the photograhers is distracting.The second sentence only focuses on a distraction, but not from the photographters.

2007-08-08 23:15:43 補充:
Third question: Actually, they are the same.If your want to add words in your writing, you can use relative clause.But it is not easy to handle, it may make you to be more confused.So, do not use them unless necessary!

2007-08-08 23:17:53 補充:
By english, 'me' should not be put the first. Story books may not be as reliable as dictionaries.
2007-08-07 8:15 pm
I 同 me既分別

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