有d eng ge問題唔識...

2007-08-07 7:57 pm
Last Sunday I wanted to go to the cinema with my friend. We decided to take the bus. We ^ looking ^ to the film very much.

While we were sitting and talking on the bus, the driver crashed (in) a lamp-post. We were unhurt but shocked. We explained to a policeman that a cat had run across the road, so the driver tried to (hit) it.

我想問 ^ 同() ge野應該係咩呀?

回答 (2)

2007-08-07 8:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We ^ looking ^ to the film very much
We were looking forward to the film very much 意思係我地當時好期待

(in) 應改為into

以上答案有可能會錯 不過希望幫到你^^"
2007-08-07 8:02 pm

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